Dec 30, 2007

New blogs on the block

5 new blogs will accompany and provide more focus in each area.

Dec 2, 2007


Zeitgeist – An independant film by Peter Joseph An impressive film about religion, the church, culture, war, history, money, terror, media, and a little bit about the truth. But, as the author said:
It is my hope that people will not take what is said in the film as the truth, but find out for themselves, for truth is not told, it is realized.

Sep 28, 2007

The Meaning is the Message

A smart summary of Marshal McLuhans theories:

Aug 29, 2007

Der Schwabe Darth Vader

Gefunden auf DabbleSläsch

Jun 25, 2007

podcasts for reboot9

check out Nicole Simon's pre reboot conference podcasts at cruel to be kind. Actually, by now they are post reboot.

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May 15, 2007

A duel at reboot9

I am happy to present at reboot9 this year. I'll talk about a duel between desktop- and web-computing.

Abstract. Today the user of personal computers is facing several inconsistencies which originate from an unresolved situation between two competing interaction models. The WIMP desktop model was developed nearly 30 years ago at Xerox Parc and Apple Computer. The web model became popular in the mid 1990s and has profoundly changed business and the perception of social relationships. Contradictions between these two models have a severe negative impact on human-computer interaction.

The presentation will be based on a similar talk I gave at MEDICHI a month ago.

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Mar 2, 2007

Dueling Interaction Models of Personal-Computing and Web-Computing

A position paper for MEDICHI 2007 by Matthias Müller-Prove and Frank Ludolph:

Abstract. Today the user of PCs is facing several inconsistencies which originate from an unresolved situation between two competing interaction models. The WIMP-desktop model has been developed nearly 30 years ago at Xerox Parc and Apple Computer. The web model became popular in the mid 1990s and has profoundly changed business and the perception of social relationships. Contradictions between both models have a severe negative impact on the human-computer interaction.

Read the entire article.