I have a bunch of recodings in the pipeline for the
uxHH Radio. Maybe you can help me setting priorities for the next episodes to be published. Here's the backlog:
- Kira Krämer: List of Awesomeness - die wichtigsten Sahnehäubchen, um die user experience bei Workshops rund zu machen, DT Camp Hamburg
- [Mediale 1] Matthias MP: Mit Interaktionsdesign zur User Experience, Mediale /anhören
- [Mediale 2] Cedric Ebener: Raum als Interface, Mediale /anhören
- [RFC13-1] Cornelia Funke: MirrorWorld, Reeperbahn Festival Campus Keynote /listen
- [RFC13-2] Régine Debatty: Verborgen in klarer Sicht, Reeperbahn Festival Campus Symposium "The making of (digital) Urban Interventions" /listen
- [RFC13-3] Christopher Dell: Tacit Urbanism, Reeperbahn Festival Campus Symposium "The making of (digital) Urban Interventions" /listen
- [RFC13-4] Celine Lazorthes: Crowdfunding, A New Economy? Reeperbahn Festival Campus /listen
- [RFC13-5] Anette Novak: On the citizen's side, Reeperbahn Festival Campus /listen
- [RFC13-6] Anette Novak, Nathalie Sonne, Robert Drakogiannakis, Carolin Neumann (mod): Communities Revisited – Leaving the bubble behind, Reeperbahn Festival Campus Panel Discussion /listen
- [RFC13-7] Jörg Jelden, Jeremy Tai Abbett, Susanne Lämmer, Svenja Teichmann (mod): Agenturen sind tot – Agenturen der Zukunft, Reeperbahn Festival Campus Panel Diskussion /anhören
- [RFC13-8] Ken Doctor: Playing the Media Blur. Reeperbahn Festival Campus /listen
- [RFC13-8b] Ken Doctor and Ulrike Langer: Content was never King. Reeperbahn Festival Campus /listen
The Future of Text 2013
- 1a Frode Hegland // Intro
- 1b 9:40 Chris Stringer of The Natural History Museum // becoming human: how our evolution has framed humans’ physical and mental worlds.
- 1c 43:03 Jonathan Taylor of The British Museum // first writing: exploring some of the enduring mysteries clouding the origins of writing.
- 2a John Baines of Queen's College Oxford // the origins of Egyptian Hieratic and Hieroglyphic and how it became our own alphabet.
- 2b 23:23 Ingrid Hage, London College of Communication alumna // a video link up from the home of the alphabet.
- 2c 34:22 Timothy Donaldson of Falmouth University // the shape of sound: the story of the changing shapes of our means of written communication.
- 3b Tom Standage of The Economist // social communication: argues that in the wider context of communications history, social media is nothing new.
- 4 Vint Cerf of Google // co-inventor of the internet talking about the shape of written communication in a connected future.
- 4b 20:54 Ted Nelson, creator of Hypertext // an alternative view of interactive text. /watch
- 5b 26' Keith Martin of London College of Communication // on the history of hypertext
- 6 Frode Hegland
- 6b 19'36" Frank Mehan of Spark Labs // talking about his rich history in the industry and future potential.
- 6b 43:25 David Jablonowski
- 6c 1:01'40" Finish
Just, let me know what you want to hear next.