Dec 4, 2013

Nebelkammer Hamburg

Selten war eine Ankündigungn zum UX Roundtable so falsch und im Kern doch so wahr, wie just im Dezember 2013. Wir fanden uns im Atelier von Sven Klomp in St. Georg ein; ein schöner heller hoher Arbeitsraum für zwei Personen – wir waren über 40 Leute. Und der Gastgeber verabschiedete sich pünktlich um halb acht, "Ich komme dann gleich wieder!" Das war aber bei weitem nicht die einzige Überraschung. Da der Abend in seiner Fülle nicht nach zu erzählen ist, stellen diese Zeilen auch keinen misslungenen Versuch dar.

Tell me - and I'll forget
Show me - and I might remember
Involve me - and I'll understand!
(via +lohmy)

Zwei Stunden später stellten wir eine Ausstellung im Oberhafen zusammen, waren Wanderer,  Sammler, Kuratoren, Szenographen und Besucher. Christo kann einpacken nach unserer Spontanausstellung im alten Schuppen des Oberhafenquartiers.

Nov 18, 2013

Reeperbahn Festival Campus - Podcasts 2013

The complete set of recorded sessions at the Reeperbahn Festival Campus for uxHH Radio.

Sep 14, 2013

uxHH Radio Pipeline

I have a bunch of recodings in the pipeline for the uxHH Radio. Maybe you can help me setting priorities for the next episodes to be published. Here's the backlog:
  • Kira Krämer: List of Awesomeness - die wichtigsten Sahnehäubchen, um die user experience bei Workshops rund zu machen, DT Camp Hamburg
  • [Mediale 1] Matthias MP: Mit Interaktionsdesign zur User Experience, Mediale /anhören
  • [Mediale 2] Cedric Ebener: Raum als Interface, Mediale /anhören
  • [RFC13-1] Cornelia Funke: MirrorWorld, Reeperbahn Festival Campus Keynote /listen
  • [RFC13-2] Régine Debatty: Verborgen in klarer Sicht, Reeperbahn Festival Campus Symposium "The making of (digital) Urban Interventions" /listen
  • [RFC13-3] Christopher Dell: Tacit Urbanism, Reeperbahn Festival Campus Symposium "The making of (digital) Urban Interventions" /listen
  • [RFC13-4] Celine Lazorthes: Crowdfunding, A New Economy? Reeperbahn Festival Campus  /listen
  • [RFC13-5] Anette Novak: On the citizen's side, Reeperbahn Festival Campus /listen
  • [RFC13-6] Anette Novak, Nathalie Sonne, Robert Drakogiannakis, Carolin Neumann (mod): Communities Revisited – Leaving the bubble behind, Reeperbahn Festival Campus Panel Discussion /listen
  • [RFC13-7] Jörg Jelden, Jeremy Tai Abbett, Susanne Lämmer, Svenja Teichmann (mod): Agenturen sind tot – Agenturen der Zukunft, Reeperbahn Festival Campus Panel Diskussion /anhören
  • [RFC13-8] Ken Doctor: Playing the Media Blur. Reeperbahn Festival Campus /listen
  • [RFC13-8b] Ken Doctor and Ulrike Langer: Content was never King. Reeperbahn Festival Campus /listen
The Future of Text 2013
  • 1a Frode Hegland // Intro 
  • 1b 9:40 Chris Stringer of The Natural History Museum // becoming human: how our evolution has framed humans’ physical and mental worlds. 
  • 1c 43:03 Jonathan Taylor of The British Museum // first writing: exploring some of the enduring mysteries clouding the origins of writing. 
  • 2a John Baines of Queen's College Oxford // the origins of Egyptian Hieratic and Hieroglyphic and how it became our own alphabet. 
  • 2b 23:23 Ingrid Hage, London College of Communication alumna // a video link up from the home of the alphabet. 
  • 2c 34:22 Timothy Donaldson of Falmouth University // the shape of sound: the story of the changing shapes of our means of written communication. 
  • 3b Tom Standage of The Economist // social communication: argues that in the wider context of communications history, social media is nothing new. 
  • 4 Vint Cerf of Google // co-inventor of the internet talking about the shape of written communication in a connected future. 
  • 4b 20:54 Ted Nelson, creator of Hypertext // an alternative view of interactive text. /watch
  • 5b 26' Keith Martin of London College of Communication // on the history of hypertext 
  • 6 Frode Hegland 
  • 6b 19'36" Frank Mehan of Spark Labs // talking about his rich history in the industry and future potential. 
  • 6b 43:25 David Jablonowski 
  • 6c 1:01'40" Finish
Just, let me know what you want to hear next.

Aug 16, 2013

Hyperland Republished

Hyperland from mprove on vimeo.
Hyperland is a 50-minute long documentary film about hypertext and surrounding technologies. It was written by Douglas Adams and produced and directed by Max Whitby for BBC Two in 1990. It stars Douglas Adams as a computer user and Tom Baker, with whom Adams had already worked on Doctor Who, as a personification of a software agent. /via Wikipedia

PS: Max Whitby at TEDxLondon

Jul 8, 2013

Shift #12 with Doc Searls

Shift #12 podcast by Megan Murray and Euan Semple with special guest Doc Searls


Making Magazines

Marco Velardi and Mike Meiré talking about magazine design:

May 18, 2013

Ted Sherlock Holms latest case

Ted Holm Nelson offers an explanation about the identity of the originator of Bitcoin. How would Sherlock Holms have approached and solved the case?

[at youtube]

Update: Obviously Satoshi Nakamoto is not a pseudonym at all. /via Dave Winer

Apr 18, 2013

Apr 10, 2013

Hang on iPad

Since I am exploring the possibilities of the iPad, I wanted to be able to play the Hang. ThumbJam offers a very good sampled Hang instrument already – but the typical layout of the metal U.F.O. was missing. Orphion recently introduced a layout customization, and virtual Midi allows to send the signals from Orphion to ThumbJam.

Oh yes, BTW, this is my first Prezi'ntation to explain how the things work together.

I've uploaded my Hang and HandPan layouts to the Orphion Universe. It should be easy for you to pick them up.

More resources here.

Mar 28, 2013

vienna dreaming

of writing a poem dedicated
to some one reading the lines in front of the screen

of some one in front of the screen
surfing the web, watching some pixels

taken with a camera while browsing through a museum

of three guys watching a painting

of a woman standing in a street with lanterns
watching two people carrying a barrow

painted by a painter

Jan 15, 2013


"The new equation is less stuff and less space equals small footprint, more money, and more happiness"

Jan 11, 2013

Jesse Schell at LongNow Seminars

Yet another wow presentation from LongNow. Jesse Schell talks how technological progress inevitably(!?) leads to a gamified life.

Jesse Schell: Visions of the Gamepocalypse (1 55' full version with chapter markers) from The Long Now Foundation on

Mentioned in the talk: Christopher Alexander’s 15 Elements of Style