Nov 17, 2012


How exciting, my 3rd TEDx conference. Actually the 4th in Hamburg, but this time it was organized by students of the Technical University of Hamburg-Harburg rather than TEDxHamburg by red onion. Now TEDxTUHH on 10.11.12. [a pun is weak if you have to explain it, but this is 10-Nov-2012.] A good mix of almost 100 people listened to a good lineup of speakers and three TED videos. My personal highlights (just bullets, no numbers):

  • Manuela Maurer von Hundebande [gang of dogs] – female prisoners on Hahnöfersand train guide dogs. Manuela’s project is inspired by the German movie Underdogs, which is based on Puppies Behind Bars. Everything is deeply intertwingled.
  • Clemens Triebel from younicos – In his research lab in Berlin Adlershof he builds a complete green power supply for an island at scale 1:5. The magic trick is the largest battery in the world to guarantee a constant power level under all simulated weather conditions.
  • Ali Jelveh from protonet – talking about choice. You have to have a choice by all means because with out choice you are powerless, and depend on others and on the system. No surprise that Ali develops an alternative infrastructure to the internet. I was delighted to meet again with Seda and Ali after his talk at RSE10.
  • Very entertaining was Benjamin Zander's TED talk The transformative power of classical music.

The crew around Nils Hackius did a splendid job. I am impressed by the professional setting, and yet –compared to TEDxHamburg in the Curio House– not too slick and with out stylish glamour.  Simple, effective, friendly – just a great show.

Last not least, a few impressions from TEDxTUHH. -enjoy.

Oct 5, 2012

Apocalyptic Punk

Deus Ex Machina from Seth C Brown on Vimeo.

In this movie a man shares his passion and aspiration towards making his own motor bike. Ultimateley the bike is not that easy to drive. Nonetheless, the pride and satisfaction of creating this apocalyptic thing is epic.

Jul 31, 2012

Jul 2, 2012

Wim Wenders Bootleg

Eigentlich schleicht man sich ja mit einem  Tonbandgerät in Konzerte, um diese heimlich mitzuschneiden. Zumindest war das der Plot von Diva. 30 Jahre nach Diva hatte ich nun das Vergnügen eine Veranstaltung mit Wim Wenders zu erleben, der über seine zweite Profession – das Photographieren – philosophierte.
Mit freundlicher Genehmigung von wendersimages und der Deichtorhallen Hamburg veröffentliche ich die Aufzeichnung vom 30. Mai 2012 nun im uxHH Radio.

- enjoy

May 22, 2012

Ted Nelson: Computers for Cynics

Two Five Seven Eight new Ted Nelson videos are up: Computers for Cynics

#0 The Myth of Technology

#1 The Nightmare of Files and Directories

#2 It All Went Wrong at Xerox PARC

#3 Database

#4 The Dance of Apple and Microsoft

#5 HyperHistory

#6 The Real Story of the World Wide Web

#N Closure: Pay Attentions to the Man Behind the Curtain

More Ted Nelson

Mar 8, 2012

cyborg anthropology

I missed Amber Case’ presentation at Interaction 12 on Solid to Liquid to Air: Interaction Design and the Future of the Interface. But here it is, the webcast_

"Amber Case is a cyborg anthropologist and user experience designer who focuses on mobile software, augmented reality and data visualization, and reducing the amount of time and space it takes for people to connect. Case has been featured in Forbes, WIRED and Time, and also founded, a private location sharing application, out of a frustration with existing social protocols around text messaging and wayfinding.

Case has spoken at conferences all around the world including TED and was featured in Fast Company 2010 as one of the Most Influential Women in Technology."
Other IxD12 highlights