Sep 30, 2010

Killing Me Loudly - Cameron Carpenter about his dream organ

I just became aware of Cameron Carpenter, a passionate and virtuous US organ outlaw. In the talk he explains the intimate relationship between the artist and the instrument. Which turns out to be quite difficult because no organ is like the other. On the quest to present the best experience to his audience he is designing a new virtual organ with 5 keyboards and an extended pedal board.
Cameron Carpenter at
University of Michigan School of Art & Design
Penny W. Stamps Distinguished Visitors Series
iTunes University Video 1:23'
Cameron Carpenter at TED EG 08 20'
25.11.2010 - Live at Laeiszhalle Hamburg

PS_ The same iTunes U channel has much more to offer, e.g. Tim Brown "From Design to Desgin Thinking", Stewart Brand "Hacking Civilization", Carole Bilson "Design, Innovation and Leadership", Yes Men.